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John Peterson

The Children's Bible and the Soviet Wrestler:
a missionary story

Have you ever heard of a missionary who was an Olympic wrestling champion? Meet John Peterson!

John loved to wrestle, and he loved to share stories about Jesus. In 1976, he won a gold medal in wrestling! He moved to Austria with his family and often traveled to Eastern Europe to share the gospel message. Even though being a missionary was not allowed there, he could visit those countries because he was a wrestling coach.

In this chapter, you’ll read about a special trip where John took one of his sons along. His son helped him share the gospel message in amazing ways!

The story is taken from the book Called to Missions: Ordinary people devoting their lives to serve among the persecuted church by Eva Wonka Lopes de Andrade and adapted for elementary-aged children.

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Europe map with Iron Curtain
Germany map with Iron Curtain

Brother Andrew:
2 maps for coloring

Let your child color the maps while reading the story of Brother Andrew.

Your donation will help us create even more coloring pages. Thank you for your support!

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Brother Andrew:
3 illustrations for coloring

Let your child color the maps while reading the story of Brother Andrew.

Your donation will help us create even more coloring pages. Thank you for your support!

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